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Game idea

FC Barcelona women B

2017 - 2021

Main characteristics of the team and the play style :

- Take the upper hand through ball possession.

- Creation of overloads.

- Good association distances between players.

- Players with different depth in the field.

- Immediate recovery of the ball, not allowing transition.

- Cooperation between players.

- Same intention and goals in and out of the field.




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Management idea

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Group management main features:

- The players are the protagonists, the game is theirs.

- Above all is the team.

- The coach must accompany and support.

- Propose instead of impose.

- Learning consists of making mistakes many times.

- Being afraid is the main enemy of the coach.

- The goal of a coach is to be expendable.

- Affection and Sincerity are key pieces in the teams

of success.




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